Saturday, November 29, 2008

Indonesian Batik pattern Influences overview

**Batik Indramayu Pattern is categorized as "brave" in coloring and usually inspired by flora and fauna such as bird, flowers and plantations.

>>>Chinese Culture

Chinese culture influence on Batik Indramayu ** can be found obviously from Lokcan Motif, Banji and Burung Hong (eagle). Among chinese, these motif are the symbols of daily life, i.e.:

Lokcan is a flora and fauna motif that are connected from one to others which means that soul and nature are one.

>>>Arabic culture

Batik Indramayu is also very much influenced by Arabic culture; this can be seen from Arabic letters motifs and "Sawat Riwe". Other motif, "Singa Parsi" (white color) also describing a sword called Dzul Fiqar; according to story that sword is a gift from Prophet Muhammad SAW for Ali Bin Abi Thalib his son in law.

Liris Motif on Batik Indramayu telling us the influence of Hindu and Java, not so far from Solo - Jogjakarta culture (east Java), can be seen on italic lines motif or crossing lines that called "parang" or "kawung".

>>>European culture

The influence of European culture, especially Dutch, can be seen on motif "Buketan", "Putri Salju" (Snow Princess) and "Jendral Pesta".

Buketin Motif describing a serries of flowers from Dutch, i.e. Tulip flower and grapes.

Batik with Buketan Motif is made as sarong, this is due to Sarongis more accepted by the European visitors, whilst Batik with "Jendral Pesta" motif used to be wore when the Governor of Dutch Hindi when having a party celebrating the coronation of Duth Queen Wilhelmina.

Indonesian beach set

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